The expert high-speed and multi-axis solution
Are You Facing These Challenges?
What is Autodesk Fusion 360 with PowerMill?
Autodesk Fusion 360 with PowerMill® CAM software provides expert CNC programming strategies for complex 3- and 5-axis manufacturing, now with access to Fusion 360 and advanced manufacturing capabilities through Fusion 360 extensions.
Start Making Parts faster with expert CAM performance.
Whether you’re new to CAM programming or a seasoned pro – PowerMill makes it even easier to machine large or complex parts, where quality, accuracy and efficiency are critical. Ultra-efficient algorithms and exceptional levels of customization and control allow you to create, verify and optimize toolpaths to machine the most challenging parts. Boost your productivity by embedding your unique manufacturing expertise into automated templates that can be shared across your engineering team.

Manufacture parts faster with high efficiency roughing. Use the full length of solid carbide cutting tools to help increase material removal rates, reduce cycle time and prolong tool life. Alternatively, machine larger parts with indexable tools and ultra-smooth toolpath motion to avoid hazardous cuts, protect tooling and minimize machine maintenance costs. Use intelligent 3D stock models to create efficient roughing and rest-roughing programs to remove stock with minimal air-cutting.

Manufacture parts faster with high efficiency roughing. Use the full length of solid carbide cutting tools to help increase material removal rates, reduce cycle time and prolong tool life. Alternatively, machine larger parts with indexable tools and ultra-smooth toolpath motion to avoid hazardous cuts, protect tooling and minimize machine maintenance costs. Use intelligent 3D stock models to create efficient roughing and rest-roughing programs to remove stock with minimal air-cutting.

Get expert NC programming tools for 3-axis, high-speed and multi-axis applications.
Autodesk® PowerMill® is expert CAM software for manufacturers of molds, dies and highly complex components wanting to achieve the maximum quality, control, and efficiency from their CNC machines. Access a vast library of tool path strategies and combine with advanced optimization tools to generate the NC code needed to produce exceptional quality parts. Use powerful simulation tools to validate and enhance the motion of 5-axis machines.

Use the rotary axes of machines to produce undercuts and other challenging features. Machine parts with shorter tool assemblies for faster, more aggressive milling. Go beyond 3+2 and use full 5-axis to manufacture parts with a single setup. Define a 3D digital twin of your CNC machine and use to identify and avoid collisions, near-misses, axis reversals and machine over-travel. Avoid costly mistakes and build confidence to run CNC machines “lights out” for increased productivity.

Whether you’re looking to improve productivity today or diversify into other industries in future, PowerMill offers specialized tools to help businesses grow and evolve. Use industry focused solutions to gain a competitive edge and offer your customers a higher value service:
10 Reasons To Choose PowerMill
PowerMill Feature Comparison